Wise Mind

I need to choose who I spend my time with wisely.

Time spent thinking,




I need to not waste time on the negative memories,




Past hurts,

Because I deserve

To enjoy the time I have on this earth,


I will continue the search for

My wise mind,

And I will find a new way to see

The realities and inconsistencies

I am faced with every day.


I will face myself and my thoughts,

And deal with the words spoken over me,

I won’t allow myself to be on constant repeat–

Closing my eyes and my mouth–


I need to say

What I mean when I mean to say it,

And accept the consequences as a part of existence—


I will find wisdom in the moments

Between now and tomorrow,

And learn to let the heavy weight drop

And let it go–


Let it fall down like the rain,

Let is wash over me

And leave me with peace,

Let it remind me that everything can change,

Let it fall to my feet.

Paper Planes

Breathing is like pen to paper—like a paper plane flying with writing hidden inside a single page—

Who will get the last say?

Who will find the message left behind?

Maybe it will land in the water and become a boat holding all the hope an entire ocean can hold—

Maybe it will go its own way on a journey to a new place.

Maybe it will find me someday.

People Need a Melody

I feel weight on my body,

But my mind is awake and waiting.


I feel hope.

Small, but it grows and makes each step lighter—

Like I’m lighting a fire

And searching for the spark that’s starts a flame—


I will wait.


I don’t want to sink into this feeling I have —

I want to bring the present to my past.


I’ve lived in the past long enough that it’s touched

The parts of me living in the now—

Not then, not at the end, but give me a beginning I can touch.


I want to feel loved.

I’m Back

What happened to me?


When did I decide to give up my soul for a copy?

Copying words and phrases that match the people standing next to me—

And when did I stop myself from being?


I can’t think of a moment when I put my wants above someone else—

So I’m reminded that I’ve forgotten how to see myself.

And everything around me seems so grey

That I don’t even know if my likes are mine,

Or just another way

I’ve conformed to find commonality with others.


Now I’ve become the stranger. 


I look at my image and see pieces thrown together from

other places, other faces,

almost looking natural, 

But something doesn’t add up.

I don’t add up. Not in this way.


Because I’m constantly giving and taking away from who I am—

Giving into demands,

Giving up on my plans,

Taking on image after image hoping that they will fit me,

But this is not living.


I need to be comfortable in my own skin, so I am choosing myself this time.

I choose to listen to folky tunes blaring from my stereos, no headphones 


I choose the place with country food, like cornbread and tomatoes from home.


I choose to continue to write down my experiences and speak with honesty,

Connecting my wants and dreams with no apologies.


I choose to love the person I can be when no one else  is watching,


And I choose to break down each piece I took on in hopes that someone would accept me.


I choose to be.


I’m scared of the thought of someone seeing me, but it scares me more to lose myself completely, 

So I will stop and listen to the voice inside of me—


I choose me.


Joy climbs trees and paints everything she sees.

She looks at the sky and lets excitement

Fill in the spaces between the clouds.

She runs barefoot through the grass like a kid

Even though she hit her 20’s a few years ago.

She stops and thanks people for the little things,

And reminds us of what we felt like when we were young.

Joy is one of my best friends.

She spoke words that brought life instead of hatred and defeat.

She used her talents for a purpose,

And gave a reason to smile for the people she’d meet.

She never knew where she was going,

But she had a way with telling of where she had been.

Joy is someone you will never forget.

She will stay with you even when you forget she’s there,

And let Fear, Anger, and Sadness in.

She will always help you start over again.